The certificate of registration Company Limited
Request for certificate of registration in accordance with the request that this code is executed in accordance with law civil and commercial offices in accordance with the regulations of the Company, and the shares of Registry by accurate and complete company.This is submitted in accordance with the reality every
request for certificate of registration in accordance with this request that has been carried out, in accordance with the laws and regulations as follows:
It offers an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting is been recently renovated No. 1/2557 when January 17 , 2557 at the proper way to attend the meeting of the shareholders of 3 people who have been recently renovated number of 32,400 shares by Ms. family Magnoliaceae, Conch to be the Chairman of the meeting
There is an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Notice been recently renovated No. 1/2557, when January 9 , 2557 color laser printer to print ads in the book and send the mail response and delivered to the shareholders drought
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