In the era of globalization would result in every country. Includes Brunei, sotla River side with On the subject of the economy during the past 10 years. An important item of Brunei's oil is approximately 48 m sotla Roussillon% and 43% of natural gas as a key to the country's economy oils. The effects of globalization, that is, as a result, which is due to the development of communication, transportation, and intelligence can see that when the event happened globalization occurs. Oil and gas, it is crucial that the world's economy is driven. Brunei, which has a large quantity of these things, and the export of oil and natural gas accounted for 90% of all exports of Brunei. In most cases, these goods are exported to. The country is large and growing and developing as a major New Zealand Australia Japan Viet Nam Thai and Indonesia respectively. Make a fantastic wealth of Brunei, sotla and manan significantly exceeded the trade surplus as a result, always contact, trade, international mobilization occurred very much because of the oil and gas is an important part in driving globalization. In addition to these products above, Brunei, Roussillon, there are other items, sotla mayang. Is the production of methanol? Food production and tools In addition, the Government also has to focus on, and give priority to development of halal food. The furniture is made from wood, metal, non-building materials, etc., but they also want to rely on foreign labour because of the lack of skill, quality and expertise in the production of such goods.
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