Vietnam (Vietnam)
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
location: borders China to the north. Laos and Cambodia in the West and the Gulf of Tonkin, the South China Sea in the East
พื้นที่:331 689 square kilometers, (year 2555)
capital: Hanoi (Hanoi)
population:,, 90 649 390 (year data 2555) is a Cambodian 10 Viet 80%% (in the Mekong Delta in the south of the country). Tai Tai 1.74 1.9%% took two 1.49% Hua (China) 1.13% nung 1.12% Hmong 1.03%
climate:A tropical storm The east coast open air northeast monsoon wind in the South China Sea. Having a chance to get the monsoon and the tropical cyclone. It rain in the winter, can plant rice per year 2 times.Influenced by the northeast monsoon). As a country with about 84% humidity throughout the year with rainfall from 120 to 300 centimeter carrying the flowers (47 to 118 inches) and มีอุณหภูมิ average since. 5 ° C (41 ° F) - 37 ° C (99 ° F)
.Language: Vietnamese (Vietnamese) is the official language, which the 2463 academics, Vietnam down ระชามติ to use the Roman alphabet. (Quoc NGU) instead of Chinese characters (Chu Nom) in writing Vietnamese
Religion:Most of the Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist high 70% Christianity 15% remaining respect Confucius doctrine, Muslim 15%
currency. : Dong (Dong: VND) approximate exchange rate:
- buy 1.06 Dong / 1 baht (information at January 2556)
* 1 sales.58 Dong / 1 baht (information at January 2556)
regime: Socialism by the Communist Party is the political party of one
- leader - president. Is Mr Truong Tan sang Truong Tan Sang tenure on July 2554 25
.- the government of prime minister is you - Nguyen Tan Dung (Nguyen Tan Dung)
- Secretary of the Communist Party is you part Duc persistent. (Nong Duc Manh)
export matters: economic informationCrude oil, textiles and clothing, seafood, rubber, rice, coffee, shoes
import important: raw materials, textile materials, leather. Machinery, petroleum products
important import markets:Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, the major export markets: Japan, the United States, China, the European Union
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