Crocodile, crocodile (English: ISAN: specification) is a family of large reptiles. Use scientific names that crocodile Crocodylidae rank (Crocodilia)Have the overall look is spreading tip, or elongated? The jaw is long and wide. , See the tooth of jaw position, because this is the lip on a concave notch. The tip of the jaw and left side right side connecting the two crocodiles are in the subfamily crocodylinae. Yes, there is a short piece of bone with stem billiard table and not through channels in the crease. On the upper surface of the tongue doesn't have khoerati pm. Eliminating salt glands on tongue is large. There is a chunk of space target raised nostril openings are called "cube head" or "the dogsled dogsled" [2], which will differ according to the type and size or gender. A big thick muscles and strength, is called "a bong tons." Used in the strike to prevent Use a long flat tail waving swimming.The crocodile is at the top of the chain restaurants, because an animal is large, carnivorous predators have no natural enemies except alligators in your light pet foods fall into different types of larger adult crocodile feeding behaviour of Rotary options said. When is large, while foraging underwater and want to eat the bait is to bite it and rotate it to shred the meat out prey. The smaller the bait section was crushed, crushed it with a large tongue, using the pressure valve of the prey tightly against the ceiling Palm Pak. In addition, the crocodile also swallow pebbles or rocks into the stomach to help grind food with. [3]3 genera, divided into 2 types, found in temperate and tropical regions of all continents around the world, there is a number of very diverse and most members of the crocodile is also found static ranking clan lived, until today.Often relying on the waterfront area of forest or wetland, because water in the primary. Certain species or certain areas may be found in brackish water sources or mangrove swamp or estuary near the sea. In the countries of Thailand, found a crocodile or alligator swamp 3 types (Crocodylus siamensis) is fresh water, saltwater crocodiles Khiam gait (C. porosus), and the False gharial crocodile, pakkrathung (Tomistoma schlegelii) abyss, or.
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