For the history, the ANN โวลเทมัส เทียมศิริ. Or Kimmie girl looks น่ารักคนนี้. Born on January 2535 22 is half Thai - German. She is the 4 of the house by a brother, sister 2 1 people and half-brother again 2 people. In early childhood education in Germany. The young Kim not proficient language used much. But she started practicing until you use English communication history. The ANN Vol เทมัส เทียมศิริ.).First name: the ANN โวลเทมัส, เทียมศิริ.Nickname: Kim, Kimmy.Date of birth: 22 January 2535.Education: Private Education.Talent: dancing, singing, playing guitar, basketball, English.Recent works of the ANN, โวลเทมัส เทียมศิริ.The music video. I want to break up with her, 69 SukhumvitThe music video นกหาฟ้า. - บ่าววี.The music video - NOS hug.The music video. Everybody get up - pijik.The music video, I am so sorry. - one nrongwit.The MC English on tour.The drama series, 4 hearts the mountain (Himalayas streams, heart of fire, ปฐพีเล่ห์รัก wayupuk montra).The miracle of love.Dramatic works. Three young gold.The drama intellectuals kitchens.The drama, passion.The drama, love of the fence.
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