Ingredients for makingThai Chili-Garlic-pork ribs• For 2 persons.• 1 kg pork ribs• Garlic, 50 g.• 1 tsp ground black pepper Thai• Coriander root root 2• 1 tsp sugar• Soy sauce 2 tbsp white• Pork seasoning powder, 2 tsp• Oyster sauce 2 tbsp• Oil for frying 1 literAnd the process ofThai Chili-Garlic-pork ribs1. the selection of fresh pork ribs, and then rinse clean.2. from the rib meat organs prepared3. prepare the seasoning-garlic-pepper rib, garlic, coriander root, Thai. Thai Chili seasoning powder, Cayenne, black pork, sugar, oyster sauce. White soy sauce, prepared 4. then put the garlic, coriander root and put the mixture in the mortar, pound.5. slice the pork ribs were then prepared and then put into a mixing bowl 1 image and then apply the machine to fill with his own compound. Figure 2 followed by putting the seasoning to chili Thai black ground. Pork seasoning powder, sugar, oyster sauce Soy sauce mash mixture into the white people together Figure 3Mixed massage then mash together well. It takes approximately 5 minutes massage Figure 4 6. then take the plastic off the lab, and then soaked the refrigerator for about 3 hours or more, the better.7. when the rib that has been fermented, and then set the frying pan, heat the oil for frying insert into middle power. Once the oil is hot, fry the marinated pork ribs were. 8. fried pork ribs are cooked, then leaving a beautiful yellow.9. fried pork ribs cooked to well have been yellow and then draw the oil-garlic-pepper Thai pork ribs and drain.10. fried pork ribs and place on paper towel to absorb it. To absorb the oil.11. Thai Chili-Garlic-pork ribs served with a soft kropnok in homoroi with steamed sticky rice cooked together!12. Thai Chili-Garlic-be served soft rib kropnok in homoroi.
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