พุทธรักษาพันธ์ดั้งเดิมคือ GIASC1,GISC2,GISC4,GISC6,GISC22 ซึ่งชื่อพันธุ์มาจากชื่อของGamma Irradiation Service and Nuclear Technology Research Center (GISC)
GISC2, GIASC1 is the original house putahracsa, GISC4, GISC6, GISC22, where name is the name of the species comes from the Gamma Irradiation and Nuclear Research Technology Service Center (GISC)
Canna Confederation is traditionally GIASC1, GISC2, GISC4, GISC6, GISC22. The species name comes from the name of Gamma Irradiation Service and Nuclear Technology Research Center (GISC).
Canna species is traditional GIASC1 GISC2 GISC4,,,,, GISC6 GISC22 The name comes from the name of the breed Gamma Irradiation Service and Nuclear Technology Research Center (GISC)