The country's currency, Indonesia's currency among pia (Rupiah) Exchange rate 1 US dollar equals approximately8900-holes in the 9030 pia Pia hole currency (Rupiah) Pier hole 1000 (IDR) is the Thai currency exchange. Located at 3.6819 baht (25.9.53)
Currency of Indonesia is denominated in Rupiah (Rupiah) exchange rate of 1 US dollar equals about 8900-9030 Rupiah currency Rupiah (Rupiah) 1,000 Rp (IDR) Redeem Thailand at 3.6819 baht. (25/09/53)
The currency of Indonesia currency rupiah (Rupiah) 1 US dollar exchange rate equal to approximately 8 900 -,, 9 030 rupiah. the currency rupiah (Rupiah), 1 000 rupiah (IDR) redeem Thai in 3.6819 baht (25.9.53) .