Inspiration project is important for many people. Who will step forward compared to be the origin of all things in life. If we have aspirations in life, we will have. There is a path to walk on, but without inspiration, we were having the same vessel floating aimlessly floating in the river even more when we finish and start a life of work. Inspiration for the more important because the life, work, and life. The family of the woman we want to endure. Who's delusional dreams and aspirations in life, so life would be pointless, because it is something that we will always remind us to travel in any form to reach success, or is expected to be the ideal individual will have a different inspiration. Part of my inspiration to travel used life first, as my father. The mother, because when I have children, I now have a sufficiently resistant. Enough to grow up, so what I would like to do that has been to our liking, and saw a great success. In the course of work, because they see you working long in raising me and sister. By far his own hometown to trade far different province. One year, it has returned about 2 times!, so my mother's inspiration, I have chosen to study and work is intended to be a burden, no need. I want to go back to our villages, living a self-sufficient does not want competition and struggle is over, if you are at home, we will see each other often. And there is another one that is inspiring to me. This person is a high school teacher, I now. He named the small earthen cistern you eyes teacher manat is the inspiration in my life, because he is my father. Khoioprom teach, I always think of the good things, but some people will think he is fierce and strict followers. But I think he is a good step for him. You will have every reason to counseling. When I have a problem though, but now I've graduated high school education for a long time in half, and then I went to a consultation and contact person is always. He is a teacher in my gratitude and the others all followers. I thought it had.It is the person who is near my inspiration I choose to step forward to today."Our journey so far even? Head to arrive at, don't despair.Flip the power crisis is opportunity. Even though many men are giving up khrangaya. "
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