The history of boxing
.Boxing is the art and science. That is a science because it is a technical at all could learn, like in other branches and that is an art because.The art of boxing people highly Nie involved another boxer should practice passed on. As you are aware that boxing is the art of combat, one chapter on media can naturally2 types are wrestling and boxing punch. Punch punch; a neighbor is popular all over the world, called boxing
.Boxing has been around a long time according to the evidence, which Sir an omer. Evan have discovered fragments of the ancient boxing, which split into pieces. In 1999.City 1900 Bosch Chus. The historic old one in Crete. The country's green plant east of the Mediterranean Sea, METI factor. From this proof that the ancient boxing in the period reach BC, which can be divided into 3 phase
.Early in the days of OM. About 600 - 300 B.C. when using the leather soft long 10 - 12 feet. Thousands from wrist to elbow. Purpose to protect the hands of the punching machine The rules are a little but fair.Brave, durable and good, it is considered as the important
.The second phase, between 200 - 400 years A.D. is modified slightly. The hands that tight and harder than ever. And it is the most popular sport in this day and age. Candidate for Olympic athletes to training camp in less.Months, when virtually the competition, with matching similar to current competitive time noon while the sun was directly the head. The atmosphere at that time was or falling down or give up. No judge not defined weight.Currently, called heavyweight version
the third phase between 400 years A.D.). Down to the Roman period flourish. Nowadays, boxing is a battle of the GIADIATORS which may be lost on the one side, later in the ราวปื C. Professor 394 Roman deteriorate power down to cease with boxing.
.During the Roman occupation of Britain. The rich get published in England by Saint Bernard. Write about boxing in Italy ไว้อย่างละเอียด in 1999. 1240 when one person said. Boxing is a sports training to a knight
.The British boxing can be divided into 3 phases
stages. During the year. 1698 to 1790 may be thought of as "when the crown possessed". In A.D. 1740 hill word teaching, and is the first person in 1975.1740 think about rules of Boxing up now called the father of the British boxing
.In the same year, Brown Tan made up in the boxing gloves But I used to teach martial arts of the man. For professional boxing also empty-handed.Later in the year 1792 but pia Mensah was crowned champion and tried to hold the position until the year of 1795 thus lost position to John. Jackson had to give up at a later time. And open up until the famous boxing trainingBoxing became a science that we studied till today!
.Later, because of a reward exchange to the boxer. Money and influence over the race by a bribe to the manager of the boxer. Boxing is a tool of the trade of the currency.The crisis of the boxer was as follows: the British government. So don't cooperate with boxer also violate the rules. So there's danger due to. Finally the British boxing is deteriorating while
.When the rules of boxing. See bru tons, up can be seen swimming are not strong, such as the number of lift defined uncertain. Just only the one until the boxer was knocked down.30 minutes foul only 2 regulars is punch while falling and hold or punch below the waist. The rules they later named As the emerging with the collaboration of John Yi.Chambers in 1999.1866 so popular with people as the foundation of international rules, the rules used are this day. In the rules are divided into 3 competition raised by 3 first round back. 3 minutes last round 4 minutes.A man was hit down can put up a fight within the next 10 seconds. The fight to wear gloves, fight all the time. The arbiter must be in the arena alone. With two other boxers. This amateur boxing rules apply immediately.Only the lift. Is going to fight a lift, but increase the regulation of judge and record more strong only
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