Benefits of land divided into 2 types:
1. Benefits of soil per man. That human beings are living requires four factors: food, apparel, housing and drug treatment. All of these factors is what humans have come from Earth, all indirect, direct, no
. -Human food derived from plants and animals. Plants rely on soil in the life and growth of animals, foods from plants and animals. Therefore, humans receive food from the soil indirectly
. -Man's apparel, mostly derived from plant fibers or wool, that is, human beings have apparel from the soil indirectly
. -Housing and buildings of humans taken from Earth materials such as wood, cement, bricks and tiles from the origin and iron etc
. -Medications We have authentic medications derived from herbs. In addition, various microorganisms that are used in the production of drugs, such as penicillin, are microorganisms living in soil
2. Benefits of soil per plant soil is essential for the growth of plants can be summarized as follows:
- The soil is at the root of adhesion so that plants are perennial plants
- The soil is a catchment for the growth of plants,
. -Soil, minerals, food that is essential for the growth of plants,
- Soil, air, plants, roots, as well as
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