โจวอู่หวัง, overthrow Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty, set up instead Start the rule of feudalism The land is split into regional and then send the Royal surname "Ji" of him as a "first-class" ruleIn the era of this dynasty build prosperity house city. The politics, arts and culture, etc., but the moment that strong It is around 350 ad, called the Western Zhou Dynasty or C, Zhou (Western Zhou)Is Hao Jing
Later, the days of you of Zhou Wang, king of 12 besotted wife, Queen name was Bao color said she is very beautiful, but a smile Make you of Zhou Wang vexed To set up the prize thousand taelsOne day, devise with fireworks, to first-class variety that invaded the capital, when enemy troops arrived back nothing The Bao color smile and laugh out loud, but Wang various very angry, and finally, the enemy ตีเมืองหลวง quotedBut this time there is no first-class who believe nobody troops to help the enemy is hit the city. You of Zhou หวางถูก killed her Bao color was captured. Smile of her later was called "Thousand taels of gold", which is the smile smile bring catastropheLater, the Lord has various troops to help beat the enemy, then set the Zhou Ping Wang, the son of you of Zhou Wang, the king The Zhou Dynasty was to move the capital to Luoyang (Luoyang is present), which is on the East. "Or Tong Zhou (Eastern Zhou) Later Zhou Dynasty prince commanded various not anymore, because the Lord various different infliction and battle each other between the region to rule
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