Drug abuse is a serious threat to Thai youth tatham-chip and the Thai extinction of slavery fall youth of drugs. Therefore, project sharing campaign against drugs so that the youth could see to the punishment of the drug and not to mess with drugs, and by the policy of protecting fence, fence, fence 5 family is the school fence, the fence at the border fence and a social community which clearly measures must be both measures enter China.Namai, children turn to drugs to curb and suppress, so. If there are children or educational personnel as drug traffickers, to curb and if someone hooked it requires treatment with various projects, for example, TO BE NUMBER ONE project a friend helping a friend. Activities cannot leave the fight against alcohol use and smoking, because these things can lead to addiction in the future. Not only the students. Only the students but the teacher Teachers and educational personnel management, it is necessary to be a good example to children and youth.
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