Hi Pete
We, wanted to let you know we 're updating our terms and policies on, January 1 2015 and introducing Privacy Basics.? You can check out the details below or on Facebook.
Over the past year we ', ve introduced new features and controls to. Help you get more out of Facebook and listened, to people who have asked us to better explain how we get and use information.
, Now.With, Privacy Basics you 'll get tips and a how-to guide for taking charge of your experience on Facebook. We' re also updating. Our terms data policy, and cookies policy to reflect new features we 've been working on and to make them easy to, understand. And we 're continuing to improve ads based on the apps and sites you use off Facebook and expanding your control over the. Ads you see.
.We hope these updates improve your experience. Protecting people 's information and providing meaningful privacy controls. Are at the core of everything, we do and we believe today 's announcement is an important step.
, Sincerely Erin Egan Global. Chief Privacy Officer
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