Countries, Denmark is one of the countries with environmental management in the world's foremost in the development of eco-industry. It is a sample of mutual reliance industries (Industrial Symbiosis), which is the application of eco-industry (Industrial Ecology) is the oldest Industrial Symbiosis and success is known generally, is the city of Kalundborg which is a group of plant operations on the searches. Kalundborg's industrial symbiosis The range has been developed since the 1990s to the present, there are 19 aged ๕๐ years. The current plant in Kalundborg with a group project to aid in the field of recycled water (recycling of water), power forward (transfer of energy) and of reusing waste (recycling of waste products), including more than 35 projects between group companies 8 companies to Kalundborg municipality. Incentives to cooperate to aid as a result of operational improvements that increase efficiency and investment earnings. Exchange projects, resources and energy, it is due to discuss negotiations between business partners. Which usually match each time as khu Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis in this case is not caused by planning ahead, as well as before. Each project was born from a business negotiation partners agreed to invest in energy efficiency and resource sharing. This is the plant group in the industrial and management together. The first business partner in hand cooperation with Statoil refinery Kalundborg municipality include (or Esso) refinery by Statoil to expand production capacity and therefore it is necessary to use water in production processes. Kalundborg municipality, so contact the purchasing water from neighboring municipality came to sell to Statoil refinery caused the business to benefit each other. Later, with the match at the resource exchange trading. Energy and industrial waste increased by more than 35 projects as it contains. The project the water energy projects the project 14 7 18 industrial waste project. For example, the use of industrial waste as a raw material of another factory called ashes from coal as a fuel. Will be used in the production of cement and concrete, ready-made? Gypsum from the plant will be used in a phlitkrabueang sheet (plasterboards) of waste from the production of insulin (Novo Gro Company) will be producing fertilizer, etc. For example, the energy conservation: energy-efficient use of resources. Reduction of fuel consumption and reduce the CO2 emissions from the production of electricity through. Heat and steam High-efficiency use of resources more effective, making the companies that collaborate with higher profits. Hans Jespersen and Camila Klintlt Berndt Hansen (๒๐๑๒) summarizes the Kalundborg Symbiosis can reduce 275,000 tons of GHG gas emissions./year, or equivalent to the CO2 emissions from the electric power consumption of a population of 80000. Household. It is also possible to reduce the use of natural water, about 3 million cubic meters per year, this is a related plant groups can also reduce taxes and costs from the reduction of energy consumption and industrial waste treatment/disposal. Figure 3-1 shows the Kalundborg Symbiosis ๒๐๑๒ Kalundborg municipality, currently under the promotion, new factory log KalundborgSymbiosis and cooperation improve energy efficiency including through access to energy supply alternatives, although the town is small town with a population of Kalundborg, only 49000 people but it is cooled, the gas CO 2 to 8-9% of that is released in Denmark each year so there is a need to improve energy efficiency and increase the production potential to greater sustainability. This city of Kalundborg has been selected to conduct the activity/project climate. Environment and energy from the Federal Government. The KINEC project project (Kalundborg Integratiel Energy Concept). The principle of sustainability and resource use efficiency to Kalundborg municipality is the result of industrial new green municipality (New green industrial municipality) in ๒๐๒๐ contains. To promote the release of new energy sources such as biomass from symbiosis corporation (Biomass) Biological gases (Biogas), solar thermal energy (Solarenergy) or world (Geothermal energy), this challenge is taken to a new form of Kalundborg Symbiosis, which currently has a project participant in the factory fire.Blue and green are the DONGEnergy, which aims to use heat-friendly climate (not causing global warming), electricity and water for the city of Kalundborg KINEC project seeks to use technology for the production of electricity using biomass as energy by using NOVO Nordisk scrap DONG and NOVO zymes and gas from waste water in production of electricity, which can reduce the CO2 gas is cooled, 800,000 tons, 700,000-year ๒๐๒๐. KINEC project relies on new technologies in various biomass and waste used contains Renescience, Pyroneer Inbicom and technology innovation, the other, as shown in Figure 3-2 the development of technology to enhance the use of biomass and waste. Starting from the technology Renescience, which is a separate biomass and waste efficiency brought back to a new and complete clean combustion. More efficient power production. This procedure uses the อินทรีย object that the enzyme digestion. The second route is the Pyroneer is the name of the new technology of heat from gas from biomass (thermal gasification of biomass), biomass processing, and waste with low costs, as the combustion gas is to replace coal and natural gas. The rest of the biomass and waste, waste can also be used as a fertilizer because there is still a phosphorus and alkaline materials and processes Finally, Inbicom is the rest of the biomass is Biothanol by the demonstration plant can produce ethylene from biomass is thano. 4 tons/hour, or use a straw 30000 tons/year. The process of using waste as a raw material, as a pattern of circular economy by trying to waste as renewable feedstock for production, etc. Continuous. Kalundborg Symbiosis occurs, it is a success because it has been discussed very closely between the management of the plant, one at a time.
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