Kawasaki Tsurumi Tsurumi ' JI Ki-chi ro ' (uncle of the solo no Ko) won the auction, works of the well-known ' Van ' is a sunflower painting ko ever burn with fire, Maud war Japan. Later, Matsuyama, Japan, ' tsunami ' was announced via television that the exhibition drawings by will exhibit paintings sunflower image count to 7 out of this for the first time in the world. Inside the galleries ' lock ' with rek system high security and called the people at the helm at the head level to be immune '' whether all seven Samurai ' group to take care of one of them is ' Mori. Thanks to the brilliant ' to find cows during the preparation of exhibition with Sunflower painting, transportation by air from New York to Japan. ' Thieves ' ideas have been aggressively until almost done, passengers to life. People are helpful to see hotel. Shin-ichi on work and the hustle and bustle of all time, but the show continues to move forward. A clue to the puzzle forming the ' Conan, ' exception to the fact that who!? "is a behind the scenes paintings, this sunflower. If Conan was unable to solve the case, that means that the history of the world has been changed forever.
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