Translate conversations
Nagesh: Hello Suresh how are, you? (greeting)
Suresh: Fine Thank, you. How are you?
Nagesh: I am fine, too. (responding to greeting)
Mr.Suresh my, Benjamin meet, cousin. Suresh meet friend, my, Benjamin
Suresh: How do you do?? (responding to first introduction)
Benjamin: How do you do?
Nagesh: Benjamin yesterday I, saw your brother going to
St.Martha s. ' Hospital.What 's the matter?
Benjamin: My father has been admitted there. He had a mild
heart attack Nagesh: How sad! It s very.' Unfortunate. (expressing
Suresh: Oh! How is he now?
Benjamin: He 's still in the ICU. But the doctor says that. There is
nothing to worry.
Suresh: Thank God! (expressing relief)
Nagesh: I wish him a speedy recovery. Hope he ll get. ' Well
Benjamin: soon.I hope so too. See you later.
Suresh: See you. Bye!
Nagesh: See you again. Bye! (taking leave).
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