After a few hours I raised up and found myself in the hospital. Have salt water rayong rayang him? A doctor at the treatment I told MOM that I was injured on the left sleeve range is less dry and fermented fish. There is as little trunk wounds and required treatment in the hospital until your clavicle will solder together (kids TOKE m.s. see kahai fish will coordinate internal connection 2-4 week kandai) Go through 3 weeks I have been allowed to continue to recuperate at home. So parents take me back & watch me closely. Parents tell me that he doesn't want to let me play anything hazardous. You don't want to see me get hurt if I hurt you more pain. Since then, I've never played anything this hazardous anymore. The lesson that I've learned from the events of the time, I know I'm not supposed to play or to regard itself to vulnerable to a dangerous because it will make my parents feel more pain than I am and also teach my life every day to not carefully and always conscious.
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