Flat leather ' abat '! รมว. cumulative cultural content, the social context of precarious-looking across Thailand. While the contribution religions point to the author, there are still leather 2 way out?From the case, DVD movies, and Board resolution banning the film projection tv ', ' abat. After considering that contains inappropriate content.Oct. 13 58 at Government House Mr. Veera Rotphotnarat The Minister of culture, discusses a resolution banning the film ' Shine ' that the above considerations abat. There are 7 people Committee, Ministry of culture, and the private sector, including the sangkhati of God and invited experts on the religion. Join to comment on such a subject.The meeting should be suspended to doyomti to see it, because the film has several scenes not appropriate, such as a check box into the seminary scene opsi're Sudoku. The scene where Peck sika and seminary conversations that are not necessarily a layperson alone. Including a story inappropriate, such as watroptibat put the shoes sit on asanas or head statue placed on the floor.So this story movies Not considered in the context of the country Thailand Who profess Buddhism mostly, so will faith towards God Buddhism of Thailand.This is the creator of style is 1.2, can be appealed to the Ministry of culture Prof. taken into consideration again. 2. cut some scenes were removed by the creator of some of the scenes that have been cut with no applicable standard out so it can be discussed together again. In order to find an appropriate solution to society Thailand and may.In addition, the author has expressed sympathy but krathonwong could not ignore, screened out. Because it might create conflict-confusion in society is important if projection abroad, concerned that people do not have the knowledge to understand the principles of Buddhism may have a trump.
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