Series editor: Ian Philp
This series will explore key issues in the quality of health care for older people. The basis. Of these articles is the extensive literature reviews undertaken to inform the development of a national service framework. For NHS care of older people in England. As a result of an investigation by the Observer newspaper, in 1997The UK Health Advisory Service published a report with, 17 recommendations 1 including the establishment of the national. Service framework made up, of key indicators of quality care and service provision. Background work for the framework covered. Evidence about quality in the organisation and delivery of health care for older people. It included health promotion; disease. Prevention;Primary health care; general hospital care; specialist care, by geriatric psychogeriatric and palliative, care services;? Intermediate care and long term care in the community; and residential and nursing homes. Detailed attention was also given. To the care of older people, with stroke falls and their, and depression consequences, dementia.Advice was based not only on evidence based practice but also on the value of fair access to care a person centred approach,,, And whole systems working. This series will focus on four areas relating to health care for older people. This first article. Examines issues relating to the dignity and autonomy of older people.
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