Edison was born February 11, when the successful city of Milan State Ohio country United States. He is a child of 7, and the last man. -His father named saemmuan Edison (Edison Samuel) Canada business in the country.-Initial education was received at the school in the port city, Hiroshima wonon but with the naughty his Don sun. Often they are not disciplined school to learn. Here comes the devil da teach his nakhon backpacks can be read. Off to write.-Edison Kava this brand-new e-Edison At age 12 he began working to bring money into the purchase costs. Find tools, including newspapers to create their own laboratories (as people like invention. Since children). -His ears must be disabled from the blast of a bone phosphorus drop textures make a fire enclosure of train. He was in the Cabinet where he stored chemicals railway now operates as a child selling newspapers on the Hill wonon port cable railway. Detroit and make him hit dismissal from job.-In the year 1862 He rented space in a drugstore near the train station. Shop by telegraph But it's not very good, because they are undertaking serious diplomatic shuttle too much and he and newly opened.-He was facing both parties sold machinery and also several pieces such as the invention of the recorder. Vote in Parliament, and the stock market ticker Telegraph 2 way. -Stock market ticker, the Telegraph, 2 of he responded very well. He therefore. Lead service company Western Union Telegraph thoet, but Don was going to flop to the Telegraph Company. Atlantic and Pacific, and it is a response to the work piece, but as luck to annoy chataklan. He is. Try to send signals from New York City to Rochester, the signal could not be interrupted.I love it-All ass and he fell and accidentally come across a task with one electrical engineer. The name Franklin Pro p at him. Live and find jobs in the same company, the company is informing loklo di k gold. In this position, Mr. Telegraph Company, he can postpone the annual position itself more as an Assistant. Of years when he was leaving Pro p plug instead of the position immediately. -The company has integrated the following with company Western Union pour lahe rough Edison ever remove the pieces. This company has been charged with offering rejected his resignation back then, it was open source appliance manufacturing company. In conjunction with the Pro desktop with another partner named j. h. Ashley. -He felt that need hard work, only one difference with others waiting to sleep waiting for a share of the sample. The discomfort makes itself felt that Edison is charged with deliberate. -In 1871 Edison therefore withdraw stock from the factory, and a trip to the city of new wawad Thomas Edison State State. To open the various appliances manufacturing company. It's a great company-and his very successful from. Works to protect the machine The crash of stock prices.1876 – Alexander Graham Bell (Alexander Graham Bell) can devise, telephone. More successfully. As a result, the Telegraph business sluggish loss hard to delay. Company Western Union. Telegraph (who rounded work of Edison at first), he was hired to help improve our phones. Alexander Graham Bell to run more efficiently. Later, after him. Try modifying the count countless times until Edison experiments with carbon steel plate area to repel the coming release. It appears that the hearing clearly. Which make it a popular fast. Edison received compensation. One hundred thousand dollars, which isn't very much compared with the number of sales calls, he developed.-But from his development of a telephone. He discovered how the invention of the accordion sounds and receive a. The most popular include: The voice recorder has been popular. Subsequently, he was. Updated voice recorder to record locally Telegraph backpack-He has two pieces of work, a student newspaper, and his invention, a student newspaper. Named Alfred e. Lee Shepherds Bush has been very Scientific books brought into American Newspaper. Make master it Al WA Edison. Kava (kava also.) With the reputation and nickname Warlock Menlo Park property was derived from his invention of this voice recorder.– 1878 Edison began research to make a light bulb. Because the lighting in the reign of terror. Make fire easily.-The first trial during rarely works because free browser Allee. Dewi has performed experiments. About the lamp called a wire Arc Light, but cannot tolerate high heat.The use of this type of bulb life is short. Make Edison must attempt to find a leader that can tolerate heat. Get high. He came to trial watdukwa 10000 types of trial as the filling of bulbs.-In 1879 Edison was able to devise light bulb stuffed carbon was successful. The fibers that make. With cotton yarn, and then pretend it burns a fire shall heat resistant carbon, carbon can be high. Then, manually. Edison therefore it comes packaged in a vacuum tube Edison's light bulb, it can point. Lighting up lamp 45 hours for this type of Lamp is called Incandesent Electric. 1880 – change the bulb from the gut, carbon is a carbon tube Japan because bamboo lighting. Last 40 hours, but the bamboo tube lighting Japan longer and better quality, but to. So it is still not popular because the price of electricity during a session.-Edison Traveling back to New York to set up a company called Edison Electric Company Limit. To create a new dynamic modules by Michael Faraday to improve. Better. Higher efficiency and have named it that Mary Ann "Beauty by the name of his wife. -After 1882 nanangek RS power plant at New York and publishing technology. Lamp, known as the Drag the line to the entire city. Everyone in the city, they have the same electrical sachai.-In addition to the creation of new instruments and transmitters, they also generate electricity meter and. Protection of electrical hazards.– 1891 invention machine successfully editing photos Recording เคลื
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