How to develop yourself, get the ASEAN community.1. knowledge of languages.In this era the world over very little pace Whether it is a matter of economy, technology, work or education, it is important. At present, the communication with foreign countries is very necessary. Because of the world we have to track each other, more achueam, we should learn more languages as well, at least in English, it should be a basic language 2 language because, no matter how we learn muek or work. If we have the language, we are progressively more and more ASEAN languages if it is friends with good effect study. Gradually practice Ofcourse we can all be certified?2. open the generousIt should be someone who is generous and open to learn to accept differences between people in various social and cultural understanding from neighboring countries. Exchange of mutual good things like I'm teaching, I give her. She taught English, she gave me free stuff has more foreign friends came too. 3. think of the analysis.In our world today, there are many complex mystery, we have research knowledge and pursuing knowledge. What's new at the time, I come across a problem or they must have an idea to improve or solve simple initiatives around the analysis was wrong.4. adjust.With knowledge. Open the generous. Accept to listen to, but does not perform as well on what effect does not occur, therefore, must recognize and think of ideas, and then apply with a? is used to adapt to survive in a society where everyone has a difference to exist peacefully together.5. practice habits, properThai people are lazy habits on the basis of flexible, but when we want to work together with the foreigner. Thai people often have a problem like it was on time. Re: no comment I don't like working in a team need to know and practice the behavior training, good habits are coming. Stop citing cars quite stick!6. use the media to benefitThe Internet and new technologies is not intended to play games. Find entertainment Watch movies, view historical comics, or copy only the report! We must recognize that these technologies would be useful with language training. Daily news reader seeking knowledge news around the world, which in addition to the computer. It is becoming more and more smart phone role. This is useful if the document is loaded, we blew the phone we use knowledge. Some Apple? MyMemolody pokwam?? @ Enconcept ' know ASEAN community that is loaded in both IOS and Android Smart Phone Windows.How to find out the knowledge cycle may start from what we like, for example, it has started to favor sport? see how famous athletes of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has anyone? Like the cartoon, it's going to look like cartoon characters. Doraemon ASEAN languages have or like the economy, it seems that each country in ASEAN markets, selling anything. Don't be seen as knowledge who have been in the school so that it's tedious. Let us look into what we would like to know.7. expert knowledgeThai people are often skilled chapchai is doing is everything, but it is not the best. In school, they are all major, learn calculator did enough to force Thai classical dance, science experiments, all of which contained in mandatory course learning. But there is rarely anything special skills in everyday life, but in particular in this era is supposed to be the basis of everything is good, but it must take "one side go! We don't need to do anything in this era because we have modern tools help but really specific knowledge back to use only human capabilities?, we should know the expertise. So that other people can come and find some experts; View sample cartoonist drawing loud and clear idea?!, eats well, survive, but any expert will need to find themselves, to meet and train on them!?
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