Opinion, man (n = 169) female (n = 215)
X S.D. X S.D. T p
1. Management of the 3.89. 63 3.87. 64. 31. 842
2. The place, equipment and 3.69. 60 3.67. 67. 22 *.
. 047 facility 3. The attractions 3.90. 55 3.94. 59. - 80. 112
4. The souvenir 3.69. 68 3.71. 62. - 37. 300
.The 3.79. 50 3.80. 50. - 18. 686
* at the significance level of. 05
writing motivation: use reference system AP AE APA. (American Psychological
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chutima their Bibliography (does not appear year of publication). Knowledge of
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scholarly works and articles.). Bangkok:
natcha varieties thrive. (2551).Ask the teacher textbook writing.
Bangkok:? Press head CT.
intuition, elephant a stand (2525). The art of writing. ": Academic Press.
pre tea, elephant gift stand. (2542).? Technical writing and production
textbook. Print the 2 Metropolis:
Creme Chulalongkorn University Publishing House, &, P Lea M. R. (2008). Writing at
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..