Biography of 26 phimpha ramphan philap and therefore His execution in the Buddhist Castle, see
. As part of the Buddha's Mrs. Please visit to Phimphaisotra was a God
.His wife once a session is also Buddha, Prince is not yet ordained when she
for the Buddha to Buddha, Mrs. Phimphani is equal to give shape to that
.Palace of Buddhist father śuddhodana as described. Places to visit of Mrs. Phimpha
is the castle of her seat. Those who followed the sadet in the Buddha. He was the son of saree the c
.Medical Director of la two Apostles and śuddhodana
she died mourning will shape phimpha. Since the Buddha became ordained.
With access to God that she was Buddha abandoned. Even when they know that the Lord Buddha came when DUT
this time will damage more. Size: śuddhodana was ordered to watch the Buddha. She also appeared for
Could not come. Although the Buddha came to the castle of her. She has also made his own operator
. She just has to have a breakdown. Wallow in his head down over his Majesty the Lord Buddha, the light at the end of the philap almost sompridi ramphan.
.Śuddhodana thunphra Buddha to the good of her as the Lady phimpha devotion towards
Buddha. Never mind the other is variable at any time that the Buddha came from. I meet
Word of the father, a Buddhist, she is honest and phimpha loyalty towards him, but only in this life, they find a
? Even after that, many aditchati; She went as a couple suffering through a couple of his faithful difficult,
.The Buddha speaks of the Jataka Tales, Buddha, listening to her father and she has been listening phimpha
he will lose and be rid of sok, he was born to be happy can Rapture in
.Edification of Buddha as especially When the Buddha preaching ends. "Mrs. Phimphaisotra.
he attained his sodaban or patti soda effect
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