31. Why is the world so hot. All the activities of humans as the cause of adding heat to the Earth, including fuel combustion. 32. how to stop heating the Earth. We can stop the rise of carbon dioxide. By reducing energy consumption, causing less heat and have to stop deforestation, the burning down of everywhere of this world
33. Tree planting to shade the world so cold world to all of us to help each other grow wild, empty space. Because forests absorb carbon dioxide as the best of the world
34. Hazardous substances in the alkaline battery Alkaline battery is a battery that is used to insert a camera flashlight clock, calculator, used only once, and then leave the. Classified as hazardous waste because they contain hazardous substances consist of: Zinc and mercury
35. Use ดเมี่ instead of charcoal, charcoal cat alkaline Yom. Should use ดเมี่ instead of using charcoal, charcoal top cat alkaline. Because Yom ดเมี่ cache when using charcoal. Can bring new light include charger. 36. read the descriptions before use before using products that contain dangerous chemical components. The description should read to understand before you can use all the time, and must follow the instructions strictly to their own lives, safety
37. Buying canned food Every time you buy canned food will have to check the expiration date on the container the item dictate and should buy canned food that has not expired.
38. The dangers of expired canned food, do not buy canned food that has expired because of expired canned food will cause a harmless harmful to the body, such as liver cancer, please be careful every time you buy canned food. 39. Ammonia in liquid wash wash solution in every type such as bio-langkrachok. Hair dye remover. Bathroom cleaner will have a component of ammonia. Please use carefully. 40. the substance formaldehyde in plywood. New clothes and wash the nail will have the substance formaldehyde is a chemical compound. The substance formaldehyde, will affect the respiratory system. Therefore, please be careful whenever using
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