The actions of the Organization, can survive and compete under the conditions of global change and competition more serious at present. The database is correct. Operation with the system. To communicate clearly and quickly is as important as where it requires to bring information technology into administration system to manage the data that are available are many. Sometimes not being taken advantage of or exploit is not fully assembled with a storage system that does not result in the error tolerance. Planning and management of the Organization, so that both the business sector and the sectors in different disciplines, or even the institution itself, so there is a need to implement information technology systems applied to organizational and management plans processes, efficient.Kaying to organizing existing information automation system and leads to an analysis of the management system based on user's interests or who have died, including a possible deal to suit the product and/or service of the Organization, to bring information technology into systems.The planning and management of ช้ใน operation or business, both in terms of marketing. Storage, database, research, etc, can help reduce the time and make the operation is convenient, fast and accurate efficiency also helps organizations analyze and innovative to cater for the growing market. Add the ability to compete and to cope with the circumstances changed quickly in the age of disgrace to good tantayaporn.
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