I believe my method. 10th. There must be more than one message, you can do it. You don't need to do much more, but all the better. This will contribute to reducing global warming. Best to do much, it depends on the responsibility of each and every person that would last in this world, there are no really big success? There is a small but successful combination up until he can become a great success. Global warming with the school.The children of today are the future adult, therefore we should instill the habits, the environment and reducing global warming to their children so that when they grow up someday as an adult will help maintain the environment of this world?How to teach children to recognize the power of the electrical auxiliary power. Turn off lights, air conditioners, electric appliances when leaving the classroom, accommodations, buffet lunch, and now tonklap, the children know that power is not wasted to help reduce global warming.Books, journals and books, used second hand?, in addition to helping save money and also helps to conserve trees. Teach children to recognize their own care books Enough to end school age children may have donated books to future releases. The book is also not all sections can be used in the next term. It may be used side-by-side duty sewing. Only this can help reduce global warming.Pencils, pens, erasers, kids take care of their own writing equipment. And then, as the official name of a stick. Time to drop it by looking for the owner. No need to buy a new power supply and still create frequent garbage, Earth and more.The set of students. If it's not necessary, don't buy a new one every year, or if there are many sister family, which can remove the clothes that the elder brother could not have been inserted, insert the plug or remove the map greatly, with the school to remove a student well, selling second hand. The money would be used for environmental protection in the next school.Trash. School should be a trash can and teach students to properly dispose of garbage disposal. That which is wet waste. Which can be recycled. Create awareness and youth to reduce global warmingDrinking water should be safe drinking water to students to reduce the use of plastic water bottles, and also helps save money with your children.On global warming, children learn the story of global warming instill environmental protection behavior such as organizing field trips, according to the natural attractions. Tree planting activity, or may be, planting areas in the school.There are also many other activities that we can do our children know the environmental conservation and reducing global warming. This is the most important thing to instill these habits with them, "as well". If your children have a good example. They will grow up to become adults, and is a good example to the kids after call.
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