Land lease lease land. This contract annulled at the House No. blind MRCS ..................... Road, kwaeng ..................../County/province of ........................ ............................ adidas phoe ...................................... on ........................................... ระหว่าง......................................อายุ........ปี อยู่บ้านเลขที่......................ถนน................... Blind MRCS Kwang/.............................. เขต/อาเภอ............................จังหวัด............................................. Where in this contract, called a "rental" of one party. กับ............................................ The number of home life ........ years ...................... Street ................... Blind MRCS Kwang/.............................. เขต/อาเภอ............................จังหวัด............................................. Where in this contract, called "tenants", another one. The parties both parties agreed tha land lease with the following text. 1 person rental agreement, rental agreement, lease land and tenants of rental space were farm .................. .......... Work .......... square meters according to the blind MRCS title deed number ............. ............. ............... adidas phoe province ........... ......................เพื่อ..................................................ในอัตราค่าเช่าเดือนละ..............................บาท (...........................................................) Verse 2 the parties both parties agree to rent the land together is one year from the date ........... dawela ................. ถึงวันที่............................. Verse 3 tenants rental agreement specify tea as well as rent on a monthly basis and will specify the lease as a tea in advance, within a day of the month every month .................... Verse 4 tenants agree to rent to tea farming RA as well as rental at La live's rental chart. Verse 5 tenants agree as a land tax auditors RA tea house for rent. 6 text agreed that tenant shall not lease land used for something else besides as stated in clause 1, except to get a book from her rent. Verse 7 tenants agree that they will not dig a moat or pond, with any of the reasons which make the land of rental is damaged, unless authorized in writing by rent. Verse 8 tenants agree that this land will not be farming, others lease or transfer rights to ranges according to the contract, irrespective of the others. Unless authorized in writing by rent 9 tenants agree that text to abishai Cebu try this to those who rent or lease provider's agents monitoring the landowner hire every time. 10 if the rental agreement to sell land rented prior check means the contract rent record rent. He will have to notify tenants in advance for a period of not less than a month, will be sold at the price ........... how to tenants will have an opportunity to fall into ซื้. Akon, or to prepare for tenants from land rent. 11 messages in case of unlawful tenants lease deals into any more of the nue together, who has the right to say that rental tenants comply with this contract, or the contract cancellation and damage from the tenants. Verse 12, if the tenant must leave the land rent for any reason either tenants have no rights to damage or call up รื้ oton from rent. 13 messages in this lease tenant has Wanta see land rent and see that there is a normal condition and those who rent. Delivery of the leased land as well as rent. The TA delivery As there are two messages are to match partners ทั้. Ngotong parties have read and understood. The text in this contract round and see that, based on the genuine intent of the parties, so it is signed in the presence of witnesses and khan based on each Department. ลงชื่อ..........................................ผู้ให้เช่า (..........................................) ลงชื่อ..............................................ผู้เช่า (..........................................) ลงชื่อ............................................พยาน (..........................................) ลงชื่อ............................................พยาน (..........................................)
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