Heat-resistant properties of steel-stereo system is the first rule to determine what the durability against the weaker, when it is hot in the second feature will be considered to occur in the resistance to oxidation at high temperaturesNormal O 2 will be able to insert it into the oxidation reaction, deep down below the surface of the steel reaches down to a grain (intercyrstalline), the more steel is a high temperature, there is a grain of the infiltrate O 2 will be getting more in the prevention or reduction of oxidationTo help prevent the growth of a grain at a high temperature, there is also a nitrogen gas have a role in reducing features to resist oxidation, the nitrogen gas.Make amount of chrome in stereo equipment Knight down which will feature to reduce oxidation resistance of steel, but in this case the ฟิมล์ oxide oxidation reaction caused by a return to the help prevent gas nitrogen penetrates.
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