Nursing diagnosis 1 causes hypoglycemia because your body is unable to regulate blood sugar levels.Aim.Hyperglycemia causes noBasic information.Subjective dataS: patients say "Diabetes came about 10 years ago."S: patients say "lack of Yamaguchi approx 2 months."Objective dataVital sign O: DTX when May 2-57. Is equal to?O: DTX when May 3-57. To 356 mg%.O: 57 May 4, when a DTX. Is equal to 330 mg%.O: DTX when May 5-57. Is equal to 205 mg%.O: the patient has to be distracted into floating absorbed.Vital sign T O: = 37.6° c, P = R = 100 times/22 times/min, min, BP = 160/100 mmHg, and Oxygen saturation = 95% (May 2-57).The criteria of assessment. -Unable to find senile Hyperglycemia symptoms such as red. A very fast pulse of hot urine out, thirsty, and blood pressure.Vital signs are normal-is 36.5-37.4° c T =, P = 60-100 minutes, R = 0.16-241 times/min = 90/60-BP 140/90mmHg.Normal values are 60-DTX-110 mg%.-There are no urine glucose and ketones.-Intake output value.Reason and nursing1. Observe symptoms of Hyperglycemia such as nausea, vomiting, feel restless red urine very thirsty absorbed does not feel the. Pulse beats faster to physical condition assessment of the patient and the nurse correctly, appropriately.2. Introduction to keep symptoms of high blood sugar of patients, such as blush. A lot of hot urine out. If unusual symptoms as guide, relatives rushed to the hospital immediately to notify the next of kin have been involved in the care of the patient.3. check vital sign every 4 hours to assess a patient's body, if high blood sugar levels, it was found that high temperature. Pulse beats fast high blood pressure Respiration rate will increase to nurse properly.4. follow-up lab and continuous waiting batka, urine examination to evaluate the level of sugar in the urine.5. the drilling plan, medical treatment of DTX time 7.00 pm & 15.00 pm to high blood sugar, and assessment to provide proper nursing care.6. maintain Regular insulin 8-10 unit planned medical treatment of sc and blood sugar complications, symptoms such as sweat blackout are blurry. By the end of the hand foot tea to lower blood sugar with a light to medium high and introduce relatives noticed side effects of low blood sugar complications, such as the blackout are blurry, the hospital notified the sweat.7. sc insulin, NPH 12 unit plan of medical and blood sugar complications, symptoms such as sweat blackout are blurry. By the end of the hand foot tea to lower blood sugar with a light to medium high and introduce relatives noticed side effects of low blood sugar complications, such as the blackout are blurry, the hospital notified the sweat. 8. food type tip that should be eaten, eating into time. During dinner, such as eating nutritious congee porridge Milk, orange box, by avoiding foods that are held. Food category, flour and sugar to fruit and ripe mango, durian, longan, such as spicy or eat, but eat minimal quantities required can be reduced and can eat rice, add to, rather than to control blood sugar levels.9. ensure that the substance of water through NSS 1000 ml 0.9% vein veins 60 ml/hr by your medical treatment and observation at antioxidant water, swelling daengboriwen through the veins so that the energy body as a substitute for lack of water. The nutrients from your food and dining boredom little10. a Record volume of I/O to assess the balance of the quantity of water out of the body substances 11.11. follow-up by the laboratory analysis are as follows: sugar, ketone urine and blood glucose values to evaluate urine and blood sugar levels.12. care instructions for patients to inject insulin- เวลาฉีดอินซูลินไม่ควรฉีดอินซูลินบริเวณกล้ามเนื้อที่ใช้ออกกำลังกายเพราะจะทำให้ดูดซึมอินซูลินได้จากบริเวณที่ฉีดเร็วกว่าปกติซึ่งอาจทำให้เกิดภาวะน้ำตาลในเลือดต่ำได้- แนะนำญาติให้คอยสังเกตหากเกิดรอยบุ๋มหรือนูนตรงบริเวณที่ฉีดยา ให้รีบแจ้งพยาบาลเพื่อไม่ให้การดูดซึมของอินซูลินลดน้อยลง และเพื่อให้สามารถควบคุมระดับน้ำตาลในเลือดได้การประเมินผลการพยาบาลวันที่ 6 พ.ค.57-ไม่พบ hyperglycemiaไม่ มีอาการหน้าแดง ตัวร้อน ชีพจรเร็ว ปัสสาวะออกมาก กระหายน้ำ และความดันโลหิตเพิ่มสูงขึ้น-V/S T= 37.5 องศาเซลเซียส P= 82 ครั้ง/นาที R=20 ครั้ง/นาที BP=140/80 mmHg-7.00 pm time DTX = 349 mg%.-15.00 hrs time DTX = 359 mg%.-There are no urine glucose and ketones.I/O intake =2400 cc ,output 950 ccMay 7 57?-Unable to find senile hyperglycemia is not. The Red pages. A very fast pulse of hot urine out, thirsty, and blood pressure.-V/S T = 37.4° c P = R = 76 time/min 20 times/min 130/80 mmHg = BP.7.00 pm = 121 time DTX mg%.-15.00 pm = 141mg% time DTX-There are no urine glucose and ketones.I/O intake =1850 cc,output 1700 cc
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