Chapter 2And project-related documents.In military service project.The military presence, the posting deadline, military force is exceeded. A man aged 18 years must approach Thailand to show military force beyond accounting to in November of that year, aged 18 years, popular approach to military force beyond accounting is that the district is a district or branch homeland soldiers. The importance and benefits of military service 1. military service is important and necessary for the country. Every country will have land on which there is a certain territory, and it is necessary to protect the territory, remain forever and the enemy invasion survived to be. Therefore, it has an strong force consisting of army. Navy Soldiers to guard the sovereignty and land to Thailand. That invasion of external foes may have several methods may be used to being invaded, directly or indirectly, by intervention to provoke a political bonthamlai that I get those situations with tactics that rely on multiple aspects of capabilities. In addition, there will be people with a voluntary military service by enrolled in schools affiliated with the army. The Navy and air force, there is still a need to give everyone access to coastal Thailand military service in order to receive the training tactics to protect the nation. When it's time, the country is in crisis, will be beneficial to the country. Although in the country as peace soldiers, it is also best to assist in the development of the country and help people, such as helping to develop the road construction. The construction of buildings one at a time. Assistance in the field of medical education Sometimes, it's a chance to help the public service and who have suffered from the disaster such as flooding watphai, etc. 2. military service is beneficial to oneself, is trained to discipline there is glass Han endure hardship will be based in life to fight against the difficulties and will cause some tried not giving up here, a contribution to life, there is another benefit to those who sacrifice. It is thoughtful of others, there are people who have good interpersonal skills are among the Faculty recognized that unity builds have the chance to go to military service military service according to the law. It will also have an opportunity to receive training in accordance with regulations of the King's military. Some people also have the professional knowledge and experience in the field will be useful in their future careers, such as construction. Carpentry Automotive technician-electrical engineer technician-plaster, etc. in addition to those who through military service. When to apply for the security work of any agencies often have an advantage over those who do not have military service summary of the subject matter. 1. a man whose nationality Thailand is obliged to serve by law. 2. a man nationality Thailand at the age of 18 years at the approach of any military forces to appear beyond the inside since. 3. the military division exceeded last year's approach at the age of 21 to get the call stack to the regular check-up. 4. a person who has been raised to not want military forces stationed there, including monks at the Buddhist temple, where a priest and somnasak in Vietnamese or Chinese, excellent schools of Buddhism that has somnasak. Persons with disabilities who cannot be a soldier. People in some Ministry of Defence announced that a soldier does not have the qualification. To raise funds Made to collect the allowance must be the anu, the stick and the need to raise funds, donors. Prohibiting a solicit or solicit any of the following:(1) to raise funds to collect the property, or make each defendant to pay back fines unless it is to raise funds for the defendant's relatives during a family.(Ii) to raise funds by billing or other assets are based on the quantity of benefits or other objects.(3) to solicit an can cause irreparable evil of a quiet, or the morality of the people.(4) to raise funds as may severely affect through partnership with foreign countries.(5) to raise funds to provide military supplies to make overseas. Guilty must be punished with fine not exceeding two hundred baht, or imprisonment not exceeding one month or to both adjust both.
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