This research aims to study your vocabulary understanding children with hearing impairments, deafness levels together with impaired intelligence level slightly. Grade 1-3 from a teaching school, skills practice, sub section (a Discrete Trial Trainind) in conjunction with the book series, vocabulary, language (Sign Language Picture Book) samples in research into children with hearing impairments, deafness levels together with impaired intelligence level little has been the ABR (Auditory brainstem respons.Audiometry test level e) and intelligence types who don't use language (Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, fourth Edition: TONI4) are studying in grade levels 1-3, semester, academic year 2558 Audiology education school Chonburi 5 by selecting a specific (Purposive Sampling), a tool used in the research include Ciao level quiz app.Property type that does not uses the language (Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, fourth Edition: TONI4) management plan, learn, vocabulary, from teaching school, skills practice, sub section (a Discrete Trial Training) of the book series, vocabulary, language (Sign Language Picture Book), picture card series, vocabulary, language (Sign Language Flashcards) and evaluate the understanding of vocabulary. Perform the experiments, according to one measure group trials before and after measurements (One Group Pretest Posttest Design) for a period of trial operation, 30, 30 minutes each, statistics that are used in the data analysis is median (Median) quartile range (Inter-quartile range) and data analysis by The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Matched Pairs – –The study found that1. the ability to understand the vocabulary of children with hearing impairments in conjunction with impaired intelligence level slightly. Grade 1-3 from a teaching school, skills practice, sub section (a Discrete Trial Training) in conjunction with the book series, vocabulary, language (Sign Language Picture Book) (median equals 19.60 points from the full score 20 points; n = 5, t = 5, P-value = 1.000).2. the ability to understand the vocabulary of children with hearing impairments in conjunction with impaired intelligence level slightly. Grade 1-3 from a teaching school, skills practice, sub section (a Discrete Trial Training) in conjunction with the book series, vocabulary, language (Sign Language Picture Book) (T = 0, p < .05)
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