Ground maintenance. adjustment by natural methods. (Natural ways for Soil Improvement) Characteristics of soil. The land is suitable for cultivation, it must contain three properties: 1. chemical properties is that the soil must have a balance of mineral plant food, which consists of the main plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and iron nutrient for both Yom thaet consists. Calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc supplements that contain boron, copper, manganese and Li modular stylish studios and chlorine reaction of neutral soil is soil must not be an acid alkaline or too salty.2. physical properties of soil is there must be a balance of air and water, that is, land must have a good structure, with ruan Zui. Air well is capable to absorb water as well. Ko luam pellet mix to help plant roots are able to penetrate and expand China to find mineral plant food easily. In short, wide and soft soil is not necessary.3. biological properties of the soil, there is a balance of microbial soil microorganisms is discussed and a small living thing on Earth is useful in large quantities, which can control the microorganisms and tiny organisms in what soil is punishable as well as plant and soil useful microbial can create activities that induce beneficial plants, as well as be able to digest minerals in the soil that are not useful or less useful to plants as well as beneficial to plants and add more quantity. Frozen vegetable nutrients from the air, are beneficial to plants generate riot isolated substance, disease and pests in the soil. Strengthen power plant and destroying toxins In the soil. Soil that has the problem. The land used for the cultivation of the Thai nation most often lack the rich.Complete soil fertility is low. The structure of the soil to absorb water is no good, solid, tight. There is little soil microorganisms in inappropriate conditions because this is due. From the ground has been used for continuous cultivation by the lack of updates and. Maintenance to agriculture that is not appropriate. Illegal land use category. As well as the origin of lateritic soil, sand, clay, dirt, such as acidic soil alkaline soil. Alkaline soil, etc. Keep lack of equilibrium in the physical and chemical properties. Biological need to make adjustments and find a solution to achieve benefits. In order to continue planting. It is recommended that the following persons aware of the soil. There are various kinds of problems in the country, Thai. Who must find a way to come back using? The benefits from a survey of the Department of development. Soil resources, found that land. Thai country There are physical problems or quality which is recognized: The following: 1. the problem of low soil fertility and decay from the report.Soil survey and land development department's characterization of the type of action. In the province.The countries most Thai soil was found to have low fertility. By nature. This is because the country is located in the sunsut district of high temperatures and rain quantity.Degradation of many rocks mineral as the origin of the clay is fast. And wash out of plants, food, mineral soil in the construction of rasung. During the rainy season Drift with the water flowing into the river and canals as well as low and down to the sea. In the end, from the disintegration of rock minerals in the soil very efficiently and very fast on this. Domestic Thai soil mainly consists of Clay minerals K o at night (Kaolinite) iron ore and aluminam oxide (hydrous oxide clay) minerals.Clay They have a role in absorbing minerals and foods.Prachubuak low (low activity clay), the fertility of the soil. Naturally low.2. There are special problems with soil (problem soils) soil survey and mapping. Of the land development department showed that there are certain types of soil that have physical and chemical properties. Prevent or eliminate the utilization in agriculture, especially Planting plants need to be developed or modified to increase the potential. In the production of them. A special issue of the soil. Enough to exclude theThe nature of the problem or constraint as follows:2.1 the soil sour or acid soil sulfur (acid sulphate soils) As the value of the soil is acid (pH) is lower than the next leading 4.0. From the surface (surface sud) and on the first floor there is a yellow substance. Rice straw Arise (jarosite) values of PH may lower down to 3.5 or lower if the.In this case, the soil cannot be what rice crops are often even more abandoned. To be empty. There are grass covered. Not be able to plant rice. However, because of their chemical, steel and aluminum Diecasting Nam melt into.Poisonous plants and continue to make the elements necessary for the growth of plants.Some do not dissolve into beneficial plant-specific. Elemental Phosphorus is pinned (fixation), and as a.Beneficial to the plants, and is therefore considered to be a special problem of soil to. Updates and corrections to the benefit of planting.Sulfuric acid clay soil sour or one at a time. There was approximately 9.0 hectares. Or 2.81 per cent of countries. The most common In the Central Plains South The East and South, found scattered Coastal areas in the StateAreas where flood waters had to come first.2.2 soil salinity (saline and sodic soils) into the soil with salt. Soluble components are high as dangerous. Per plant Salted soil grown found. In the most common Thai countries in Eastern North There are approximately 17 million acres, or 5.5 per cent of the area. In both countries. They also found the soil salinity (coastal areas, coastal. saline soils) มีเนื้อที่รวมกันแล้วประมาณ 3 ล้านไร่ รวม กับดินเค็ม ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ มีเนื้อที่ถึง 20 ล้านไร่ ซึ่งดินเค็ม ที่กล่าวนี้ มีศักยภาพ ในการให้ผลผลิตพืช ที่ปลูกต่ำ บางแห่งไม่สามารถปลูกพืชได้เลย โดยเฉพาะบริเวณดินเค็ม ที่กล่าว ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ที่มีคราบเกลือ (salt crusts) ปรากฏ ขึ้น ที่ผิวดิน ในช่วงฤดูแล้ง ซึ่งแสดงว่าดินเค็มจัด ส่วนดินเค็มชายทะเลมีใช้ประโยชน์ ในการทำนาเกลือ ปลูกผลไม้ โดยการยกร่องเป็นต้นว่า มะพร้าว และ ยังคงสภาพป่าชายเลนปกคลุมอยู่ นอกจากนี้ บางพื้นที่ใช้ประโยชน์ ในการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำชายฝั่ง เช่น กุ้ง หอย ปู และ ปลา เป็นต้น2.3 ดินทรายจัด (sand
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