Removal and inhibit microbial growth
(Destruction and Inhibition of Microorganisms. )
are both beneficial and harmful microbes in a penalty. To cause loss. And the destruction of several factors, such as microorganisms that could cause disease to humans, animals and crops of different microbes may contaminate the food. Raw hob And produce something that makes you change your diet and eat no food or produce harmful substances. Consumers can destroy microbes, as well as several materials such as wood, leather, fabric, appliance paint bridges, houses, antiques, etc., that change over time. This will damage the economy. Therefore, there is a great need to find ways to control microorganisms are those to avoid such loss. How to control the means of killing (killing) inhibition (inbibbtion) and the elimination of microbes out (removal) that the following chapters. To introduce the primary way To control microorganisms
, microbial removal or sterilization of microorganisms. And to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, there are a number of ways. This method relies on the physical, chemical and antibiotic use
physical methods (physical method)
, such as the use of heat, radiation, filtration, cooling and drying
device. The use of heat (heat treatments) and heat to make the protein components of the cell's capacity to condition inorganic waste (irreversible denaturation) and species that produce spores. Using heat to kill microorganisms have two Heraklion is
1. dry heat (dry heat) and heat from direct flame (flaming) or burning (incineration) or dry heat from radiant heat. such as the oven heat (hot air oven) which use temperature of 160 degrees C. Sierra for 1-2 hours to kill microorganisms on materials that do not decay when exposed to heat or direct
two. The hot, humid (moist heat) uses heat to kill microorganisms while there is moisture or water by boiling, steaming to include pasteurized (pasteurization) of steam pressure steam by using a tool called. autoclave
boiling (boiling) 100 degrees C disinfection capacity is mostly gray area except microbial spores. The pasteurized The temperature was about 63 ° C for 30 minutes, or about 75 ° C for 15 minutes and then cooled rapidly. Use the milk to kill disease-causing microbes and cells of microorganisms that cause spoilage of milk and some products such as fruit juice, wine, etc.
steamed by water pressure. Use steam autoclave 15 pounds / square inch 121 ° C for 10 to 15 minutes is the most widely used. Because effective in killing microbes have all called for the sterilization (Sterilization)
b., radiation (radiation) radiation, UV and gamma (gamma ray) to kill microorganisms. Radiation nucleic acid And microbial protein broken down to. Use disinfectants and tools in plastic. In some types of food and agricultural products and so
on. The filter (filtration) using paper filter or membrane with a 0.45 micron or smaller than the micro-organisms can be used to separate out. This method is used to get rid of bacteria that decompose quickly in volatile when heated
d. Cold (Cold storage) Collection of Microorganisms in the refrigerator. Or freezer Angels will inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms. Since the enzyme the microbe Can not work at temperatures below 0 ° C or -20 ° rentals C or below to keep bacteria are primarily used for a long time. And preservation
district. Dryness (dehydration) can inhibit the growth of microorganisms dryness. Microbes are used mainly to store for a long time by means of the so-called drying (lyophilization. )
for the prevention and treatment of viral infections,
the virus destroys
the virus outside the body of the host gradually loses the infection. This will slow or fast depending on environmental conditions including temperature, humidity, the naked virus often more durable than the enveloped virus
, but the destruction of viral contamination in the blood, secretions and excretion of the patients needed a standard way. To get the exact and quick. Otherwise, the infection will spread to militants infection related to the operation and closer. In addition, the destruction of the virus is also intended to kill the virus that contaminated instruments or kill the virus to produce vaccines with killed virus. This will require movement disinfection different out
how to destroy the virus
factor in the destruction of the virus has several types
: 1. Physical factors. Include
heat Both the dry heat and moist heat, dry heat, including direct fire, using fire or incinerator moist heat include boiling the autoclave to pasteurize etc.
Generally the heating 50-60 ° C for half an hour. To kill most viruses except resistant infection, such as rhinovirus, enterovirus, hepatitis B, etc. are some substances. Such as
magnesium salts in it to make the virus more resistant to heat. Boil in boiling water for 20-30 minutes, you can kill the virus completely. If you want to sterilize all kinds out completely, including the spores of bacteria require autoclave was steamed at a pressure of 15 pounds / square inch 121 ° C to sterilize them all in 15 minutes of pasteurization. It is often used to kill bacteria in foods such as milk, which can kill bacteria in the digestive tract, including enteroviruses
at 4 ° C virus can live for several days. And stay for a year at 70 ° C
light ultra violet (UV) virus types are sensitive to uv wavelength overlap but are in the range 100-400 nm UV lamp used. General light with a wavelength of 254 meters Dynamo UV light is often used to disinfect the air. Because light can not penetrate aqueous or solid to be. To disinfect the surface only
other radiation such as X - ray, gamma ray used to sterilize medical tools and disposable kinds
2. Chemicals that can be used as an antiseptic t.
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