1-1 wake up and then I have.1-2 Yes.1-3 do not forget to keep the mattress, already!1-4.2-1 there, I help?2-2 help me to XI2-3.2-4 a good journey!3-in-1 trader-this would buy little poison cake boss?3-2 I will buy it, why.3-3, then took it to people who do not like to eat in it, each employer.3-4 each I no there is no way to do it for sure.4-1 would eat dessert me.4-2, but does not remove the better.4-3 buy only enough of the roof is.4-4 I need to save5-1 ** country Thailand included flesh and blood ....***5-2 e, that they're respectful of the flag.5-3 when you hear the national anthem, we should stand straight.5-4 to show respect towards an honor song.6-1 search for recipes, newer better.6-2 today, good menu!I made 6-3 egg bombs.6-4 because it is a local cuisine of our country.7-1 the people wonder what the boss is doing.7-1 is Yes, I'm cooking mung.7-3 to break a bunch of people I will do in the village.7-4 a very good idea at all American people.8-1 here is my own friends.8-2 today, he will come to eat us.8-3 Hi8-4 happy people wonder9-1 nayoroi of the American people.9-3, I'm glad you think the province.9-4 or else we take distribute others. The end
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