ฉันรักแปลThe temple was constructed in 1630 by the king Prasat Thong a การแปล - ฉันรักแปลThe temple was constructed in 1630 by the king Prasat Thong a แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

ฉันรักแปลThe temple was constructed

ฉันรักแปลThe temple was constructed in 1630 by the king Prasat Thong as the first temple of his reign, as a memorial of his mother's residence in that area. The temple's name literally means the Temple of long reign and glorious era. It was designed in Khmer style, which was popular in that time.

It has a central 35 meter high prang in Khmer style (Thai: พระปรางด์ประธาน) with four smaller prangs. The whole construction stands on a rectangular platform. About halfway up there are hidden entrances, to which steep stairs lead.

The central platform is surrounded by eight chedi-shaped chapels (Thai: เมรุทิศ เมรุราย - Meru Thit Meru Rai), which are connected by a rectangular cross-shaped passage (Phra Rabieng). The passage had numerous side entries and was originally roofed and open inwards, but today only the foundations of the pillars and the outside wall still stand. Along the wall, there were 120 sitting Buddha statues, probably painted in black and gold.

The eight chedi-like chapels are formed in a unique way. They had paintings on the interior walls, the exterior ones decorated by 12 reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Buddha (Jataka), which must be "read" clockwise. Just fragments of the paintings and the reliefs survived. In each of the rectangular chedis were two sitting Buddha statues and in each of the four middle chedis was one big sitting Buddha statue, also lacquered in black and gold. The ceiling over those statues was of wood with golden stars on black lacquer.

Outside of the passages on the east, close to the river was the temple's ordination hall (Phra Ubosot). North and south from the Ubusot stood two chedis with "12 indented corners" (Thai: เจดีย์อมุมสิบสอง), in which the ashes of the king's mother were laid.

After the total destruction of the old capital (Thai: กรุงเก่า - Krung Kao) by the Burmese in 1767, from which Wat Chai Watthanaram was not spared, the temple was deserted. Theft, sale of bricks from the ruins and the beheading of the Buddha statues were common. Only in 1987 did the Thai Department of Fine Arts start restoring the site. In 1992 it was opened to the public.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Ek is lief vir vertaal Die tempel het in 1630 gebou deur die koning Prasat Thong as die eerste tempel van sy regering, as 'n aandenking van verblyf van sy moeder in daardie gebied. Die naam van die tempel se beteken letterlik die Tempel van lang heerskappy en heerlike era. Dit is ontwerp. . in Khmer styl, wat baie gewild in daardie tyd was

dit 'n sentrale 35 meter hoog Prang in Khmer styl. (Thai: Phra sukses bombarderen se president) met vier kleiner prangs die hele konstruksie staan ​​op 'n vierkantige platform oor halfpad daar weggesteek.. ingange, waaraan Steil Trap Lood.

die Sentraal-platform is omring deur agt Chedi-vormige kapellen (Thai: krematorium veras inkomste - Meru Thit Meru Rai), wat verband hou met 'n vierkantige kruis-vormige gedeelte (Phra Rabieng) die gedeelte.. het talle newe-inskrywings en ​​is oorspronklik dak en oop binnegoed is, maar vandag net die fondamente van die pilare en die buitemuur stilstaan. langs die muur, was daar 120 Sitting boeddha beelde, waarskynlik geverf in swart-en-Goud.

die Agt Chedi-agtige. kapellen gevorm in 'n unieke manier. Hulle het skilderye op die binnemure, die buitekant kinders versier met 12 reliëfs scènes uit die lewe van die Boeddha (Jataka), wat moet wees "lees" kloksgewys. Net fragmente van die skilderye en die reliëfs. oorleef. in elk van die vierkantige chedis was twee sit boeddha beelde en in elk van die vier middel chedis was 'n groot sit Boeddha standbeeld, ook verlak in swart en goud. die plafon oor die standbeelde was van hout met goue sterre op swart lak.

buite die gange aan die oostekant, naby aan die rivier was die tempel se koördinasie saal (Phra Ubosot) Noord en Suid van die Ubusot staan ​​twee chedis met "12 ingekeep hoeke". (Thai: toring van die twaalf), waarin die. as van die King's Moeder gelê.

Na afloop van die totale vernietiging van die ou hoofstad (Thai: Ayutthaya - Krung Kao) deur die Birmese in 1767, waaruit wat Chai Watthanaram is nie gespaar het nie, die tempel was verlate Diefstal, verkoop van bakstene.. uit die ruïnes en die onthoofding van die boeddha beelde was algemeen. Slegs in 1987 het die Thai Departement Beeldende Kunste begin herstel van die terrein. in 1992 was dit vir die publiek oopgestel.
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