After World War II, known as the new age, in my opinion, causes the change of many things, such as the politics. Economic, social, or even religion. When the world is the advancement of science and technology. The living conditions of human beings in general prosper, humans can know the invented tools make comfortable. The growth of medical human longevity and quality. Or data communication widely. And also cause people to have both the Internet and mobile phones. And the advancement in science and technology, develop unceasingly, it affects humans and new problems come quickly. And the rapid increase of population, etc., and economics. I think since the new era to start to change many things in social change tradition quickly if we back during the Crusades it can be seen that the country received damage from the war has increased rapidly. Productivity increase policy is used to force the savings, capital increase, improve the value of the currency. In order to solve the shortage of the balance of payments of the country. And it has changed from the quest. To revive the economy and trade grew more than ever.
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