Those who control everything, religion - Address
those who need to control everything - Address is a Muslim religious, achieving economic, mindful
complete for those who receive the grace period does not need to control everything - Address: Children, elderly, sick, travel, women who were around last month,with the blood stream after childbirth, women who are pregnant or are breast feeding at the time of the ball type
is the grace period 1.Those who do not need to control everything - and do not need to address of a madman to compensate, and the child who has not yet reached the powerless (in the case of a child should be able to order the parents to practice the control everything - from the children's address
2. Those who do not need to control everything - Address and there is a need to control everything - Address to compensate for another day: 2.1
patients that is not a chronic illness
3.3 2.2, the women are there are monthly
3.4 women who are blood after childbirth
3.Those who do not need to control everything - and need to be paid for fitness ยะห์ address:
3.2 3.1 elderly sick symptoms are chronic long heavy labor
3.3 3.4 pregnant woman or breastfeeding
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