Sometimes ,the weather is very hot you should go to sit on the near river. ถนน ภิญญสาสน์ (ภิญญสาสน์) ตำบล จันทนิมิต อำเภอ เมืองจันทบุรี จังหวัด จันทบุรี 22000
Sometimes ,the weather is very hot you should go to sit on the near river.Phiyon Street's (phiyon's) jantanimit subdistrict, mueang chanthaburi chantaburi 22000.
Sometimes, the weather is very hot you should go to sit on the near river. The road Governance letter agreement (the terms of letter j) District Chanthanimit Muang Chanthaburi Chanthaburi 22000.
Sometimes the weather, is very hot you should go to sit on the near river.The road ภิญ message (message), the district ภิญ chanthanimit District Mueang Chanthaburi province of Chanthaburi. 22000.