3 front office responsibilities. (Responsibility of Front Office Department). duties and responsibilities of the front office could be split into two main issues. issue is directly responsible for serving guests. This is the duty of the staff in the front office. Especially those working in the front desk (Front Desk) and staff working in the lobby (Lobby), including staff, baggage (Bell Person) Door (Door Person) staff, guest relations (Guest Relation). wherein the second function is In coordination (Coordination) with other departments so they can split the duties and responsibilities of the front office are as follows. 3.1 PR (Public Relation) front office staff must be knowledgeable about the hotel as well. The details of the hotel product (Product) of price (Price) of output and regulations. Hotel guests get ready to release the information. Ask your guests if they need without having to wait for the guests. Publicity will impress your guests have a part. Guests may also be interested in the services of the hotel and told the others. (Word-of-mouth) following previous publicity. All employees of the department, be it a phone reservation desk financial front luggage porter or guest relations. Can any of Hotel with good service, will train. Or a manual distributed to employees of the hotel. To promote more effectively However, the publicity and Have to some extent and in such manner. Do not boast or become overextended. 3.2 Welcome (Reception) front office staff will always be welcome. All guests staying in hotel. Or outside the guest room. The receptionist will need to work quickly, accurately and efficiently. As well as a pleasant manner is welcome. It is the duty of the receptionist (Receptionist) in particular, but other staff were also in on the act, too, such as employees baggage. Guest relations or The guest relations staff Often given the task of critical reception (VIP).
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