This is pendant Buddha Phra Tha Kradan, votive tablets first found in 1917 in many areas of Sri, Sawat District Kanchanaburi. Province were made, of lead. The recovering of the moulds and pieces of lead with red rust at Lanthom cave together with. Votive tablets led to the assumption that this location must have been the production site. Between 1952 and 1953 a great,, Number of this type of votive tablets have been retrieved from the looting in the area of Tambon Tha Kradan of Sri Sawat. District especially from, Wat Tha Kradan temple; the Votive, tablets were then named after, the temple as" Phra Tha Kradan ". And all votive tablets of this type recovered from this area were classified as the "old" or "ancient" collection. The "new". Collection on the, other hand refers to, all that were later found in the area of Thong Pha Phum District in Kanchanaburi. Province believed to provide invulnerbility and protection against various sources of harm including weapons and firearms.
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