Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's assets increased by 37.59  การแปล - Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's assets increased by 37.59  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shin

Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's assets increased by 37.59 million baht from the date she sworn in as prime minister to May 7, 2014.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission on Friday disclosed the assets and liabilities of 10 cabinet ministers of the Yingluck Shinawatra government who were removed from office on May 7, 2014 as a result...

Ms Yingluck and her husband had assets totalling 603.19 million baht while their liabilities were 28.85 million baht.

When compared to when she took office as defence minister, the latest asset disclosure she made, their net assets fell by 25.47 million baht while their debts grew by 1.85 million.

The decrease was due to lower deposits.

But when compared to when she took office as prime minister on Aug 10, 2011, their net assets grew 37.59 million baht (excluding those of her husband and son).

The lion's share of the increase was a 32.75-million-baht rise in the value of her investments.

She had 31.31 million shares in SC Asset Plc worth 102 million baht, as well as units in Ticon Property Fund and mutual funds investing in debt instruments and stocks, as well as long-term investment funds...

The number of units and their total value grew from 81 million baht to 123 million.

Net asset value of 10 ministers disclosed on May 7, 2014 compared to previous disclosure dates

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's assets increased by 37.59 million baht from the date she sworn in as prime minister to May 7, 2014.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission on Friday disclosed the assets and liabilities of 10 cabinet ministers of the Yingluck Shinawatra government who were removed from office on May 7, 2014 as a result...

Ms Yingluck and her husband had assets totalling 603.19 million baht while their liabilities were 28.85 million baht.

When compared to when she took office as defence minister, the latest asset disclosure she made, their net assets fell by 25.47 million baht while their debts grew by 1.85 million.

The decrease was due to lower deposits.

But when compared to when she took office as prime minister on Aug 10, 2011, their net assets grew 37.59 million baht (excluding those of her husband and son).

The lion's share of the increase was a 32.75-million-baht rise in the value of her investments.

She had 31.31 million shares in SC Asset Plc worth 102 million baht, as well as units in Ticon Property Fund and mutual funds investing in debt instruments and stocks, as well as long-term investment funds...

The number of units and their total value grew from 81 million baht to 123 million.

Net asset value of 10 ministers disclosed on May 7, 2014 compared to previous disclosure dates

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's Assets increased by 37.59 Million Baht from The Date She sworn in as Prime Minister to May 7, 2014. The National Anti-Corruption Commission on Friday disclosed The Assets and liabilities of 10 Cabinet Ministers of The Yingluck Shinawatra Government Who were. removed from Office on May 7, 2014 as A result ... Ms Yingluck and her husband had Totalling Assets Baht 603.19 Million while their liabilities were Baht 28.85 Million. When compared to when She took Office as Defence Minister, The latest Asset Disclosure She Made. , their NET Assets Fell by 25.47 Million Baht while their debts grew by 1.85 Million. The decrease was Due to Lower Deposits. But when compared to when She took Office as Prime Minister on Aug 10, 2,011th, their NET Assets grew 37.59 Million Baht (. excluding those of her husband and Son). The Lion's Share of The increase was A 32.75-Million-Baht Rise in The value of her Investments. She had 31.31 Million shares in SC Asset Plc worth 102 Million Baht, as Well as units in Ticon. Property Fund and Mutual Funds and Stocks Investing in debt Instruments, as Well as long-term Investment Funds ... The Number of units and their total value grew from 81 Million to 123 Million Baht. Net Asset value of 10 Ministers disclosed on May 7. , 2014 compared to previous disclosure dates.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra 's assets increased by 37.59 million baht from the date she sworn in as prime. Minister to, May 7 2014.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission on Friday disclosed the assets and liabilities of 10 cabinet. Ministers of the Yingluck Shinawatra government who were removed from office on May 7 2014 as, a result...

.Ms Yingluck and her husband had assets totalling 603.19 million baht while their liabilities were 28.85 million baht.

When. Compared to when she took office as, defence minister the latest asset disclosure she made their net, assets fell by 25.47 million. Baht while their debts grew by 1.85 million.

The decrease was due to lower deposits.

.But when compared to when she took office as prime minister on, Aug 10 2011 their net, assets grew 37.59 million baht (excluding. Those of her husband and son).

The lion 's share of the increase was a 32.75-million-baht rise in the value of her, investments.

She had 31.31 million shares in SC Asset Plc worth 102, million bahtAs well as units in Ticon Property Fund and mutual funds investing in debt instruments, and stocks as well as long-term. Investment funds...

The number of units and their total value grew from 81 million baht to 123 million.

Net asset value. Of 10 ministers disclosed on, May 7 2014 compared to previous disclosure dates

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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