It would be simplistic to see intra-EU mobility as just a strategy, by การแปล - It would be simplistic to see intra-EU mobility as just a strategy, by แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

It would be simplistic to see intra

It would be simplistic to see intra-EU mobility as just a strategy, by governments and employers, to lower labour costs and weaken trade unions, according to the traditional Marxist view of the ‘reserve army’ (Castles and Kosack, 1973). In fact, wages seem to have been affected only marginally in the EU 15, even in sectors with most new foreign workers (Briicker et al., 2009). In any case, real wages had already been stagnant in Western Europe for a while, and unions declining, so there was no urgent need for EU employers toimport foreign labour to stop wage or union growth. Sommers and Woolfson (2008) have argued that by recurring to mass migration, the EU is aping the US growth model of the last 30 years, based on the attraction of cheap and flexible foreign labour. But more than low costs, the specific attar ctive feature of the new labour supply relies exactly on their ‘mobility’ which offers a corrective to the long-blamed ‘sclerosis’ of European labour markets.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Dit sou eenvoudig wees intra-EU mobiliteit te sien as net 'n strategie, deur regerings en werkgewers, arbeidskoste te verlaag en verswak vakbonde, volgens die tradisionele Marxistiese siening van die "reserwe weermag '(Kastele en Kosack, 1973). In werklikheid, lone lyk het net effens geraak is in die EU-15, selfs in sektore met die meeste nuwe buitelandse werkers (Briicker et al., 2009). In elk geval, reële lone het reeds staande in Wes-Europa vir 'n rukkie, en vakbonde af, so daar was geen dringende behoefte vir EU werkgewers toimport buitelandse arbeid loon of unie groei te stop. Sommers en Woolfson (2008) het aangevoer dat deur herhalende om massa-migrasie, die EU is aping die VSA groei model van die afgelope 30 jaar, wat gebaseer is op die aantrekkingskrag van goedkoop en buigsame buitelandse arbeid. Maar meer as 'n lae koste, die spesifieke Attar ctive kenmerk van die nuwe aanbod van arbeid staatmaak presies op hul mobiliteit ", wat bied 'n korrektiewe aan die langtermyn-skuld 'sklerose' van Europese arbeid markte.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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