Soils inoculated with M. endolithica in SP-amended soil
(treatment 6), or M. endolithica in PRP-amended soil (treatment
8) significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced the growth of bean plants,
compared with plants grown in non-inoculated SP-amended
soil (treatment 4) or non-inoculated PRP-amended soil (treat-
ment 5) (Table 4). In comparison, M. olivasterospora failed to
promote plant growth in SP-amended soil (treatment 7) or in
PRP-amended soil (treatment 9) compared to bean plants in
treatment4or5,respectively(Table4).Responses to treatment
6 were the best among the treatments attempted. In this
treatment there were significant (P < 0.05) increases in length
and dry weigh to roots and shoots compared to the other eight
treatments (Table 4).ฉันรักการแปล