The village of Wang Kum There are households live sufficiency economy.1) in reducing expenditure by promoting the growing fruits and vegetables on intake and are left to be sold or consumed, processing and distribution And integration for the production of fertilizer Wood vinegar in the insect repellent, in order to reduce the production cost.Campaign to reduce, stop smoking, and accounting. - to pay household expenditure to reduce unnecessary
.2) in additional revenue. A promotion to their household accessories, such as farming and fruit vegetables. The integration is to promote saving more money., to the village, or promote the career in the household, such as a women's group, Chinese group น้ำหมัก biological fertilizer water group pepper planting vegetable in household / distributor And promoting farmers use the rice varieties and good seeds
.3) in savings, encourage savings loans increased. Promote the fertilizer, medicine to assembling agricultural and used in the family, the campaign to reduce, stop smoking, promote household planting vegetables. Duck egg chicken.Frog feast, consumption and distribution of
.Career promotion that meet the needs of the community 1 farmer culture. She
), gold leaf is the president 081 choowong number - 4758909 32 members. At present, capital 110 000)
.2) fertilizer fund, she is the president, gold leaf choowong 081 phone number - 4758909 members 32. Currently, capital 100 000)
3) group of fertilizer Members 30 people. At present, capital 10 000 baht, President, the name of her gold leaf choowong.
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