However, even if the project and a lot of research but decrease the behavior of drinking alcoholic beverages of people still is put. (thesis, clustered pongsakorn and faculty, 2548; somporn prosperous business 2555; mechanical, 4 be fair, 2550) so the researcher has concept. The specific knowledge on the health effects of the drink. Strengthening the motivation of avoiding drinking. Skill training behavior on refuse to drink alcohol, which is know, motivation, and specific skills with the behavior of people in the area would make the population can reduce alcohol drinking behavior.So you can see that. In this study, the study aimed to develop pattern, providing information, สร้างแรงจูงใจ. And the development of skills in reducing alcohol drinking behavior in adults. In order to reduce alcohol drinking behavior, which can help reduce the effects of drinking the beverage alcohol. To improve the quality of life and population in the community. As well as the behavior of adult population characteristics to the society.
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