We have already collected a lot of data and would like to involve now all oversea PCs into the data sharing and data maintenance which we have already done within the European PCs
The next steps would be:
a) Please nominate you responsible colleagues who should maintain and use the data in the Excel-File (link) or send the names to Upender or me.
b) We will offer online-trainings for each PC
Our student Upender Patel (see cc) will give the training. Please agree with him on the timing.
c) The data template for the compounding and filling & Packing equipment you will find attached and in the following link.
TDB Templates
You can use the one with “incl. data field” in the file name as a printout to collect the data and key same in later
In order to collect the missing data, we made reports of all the PCs with missing data fields and uploaded it to the SharePoint, which you can find though the below link. We request all the responsible persons of each PC to update the excel sheets by filling the missing information or input the data directly into the data base.
Link to Missing information reports – http://communities.global.bdfgroup.net/sites/comm1691/Files/Reports/Reports-%20Missing%20Info
It would be great, if you go through the already maintained data in our database and verify once. Below you find the link to report with all the data in our database. Kindly, let us know if any changes to be made.
Link to TDB Report - http://communities.global.bdfgroup.net/sites/comm1691/Files/Reports/Line%20and%20Machine%20level%20report%20for%20all%20PCs%20toggle%20buttons.xlsm?Web=1>
Thank you for your help and collaboration in advanced.
If you have further questions or requirements for the training please contact Upender Patel or me.