Yes, Honda 400CC motorcycle, this energy in g-6 อเ a Psych my milk. Its price fell to dress style 72000 and 35000 other Café you will have everything, like my car, but if you change to a new and usable for a long time, 20000.
Yes, this motorcycle brands like Honda 400CC motor 6 pm North Side of ฉํ. Its price 72 000 And the decorative style cafe Another 35,000 you would have everything I like. But if you change the engine and use it for longer, added another 20,000.
Yes, this bike, Honda Motor Corporation's 400CC like 6 Sykes of me. Its price and value 72000 decorative style Cafe again 35000 you will have everything like mine. But if you change the engine of new and used for a long time.20000.