1. on Friday, you ... have you .... and you .... go to inthentic, and the company recommends you ... recognize and explain the process. The work of the hospital.2. a 2.00 pm we traveled to the hospital to talk to you, he. In the matter of the hospital's contract. As follows:1. on 20/07/16 there will be a meeting of the Interior of SS and invited the concerned parties of the star to find out about its content on the part of the contract of nurturing South. 2. the contract must be completed and sent in solving legal department checks within the next week, or not to exceed 22/07/16 send them back to the hospital.3. after solving the contract successfully. The company will ... appointment from RFID SS hospital, and you .... from inthentic company, spoke of the of the contract again on 29/07/16 to update in the subject of the contract.
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