แหล่งน้ำ - น้ำที่ใช้ต้องได้จากแหล่งที่ไม่มีสภาพแวดล้อมซึ่งก่อให้เกิดการปนเปื้อนวัตถุอันตรายและจุลินทรีย์ - ตรวจพินิจสภาพแวดล้อมหากอยู่ในสภาวะเสี่ยงให้ตรวจสอบและวิเคราะห์คุณภาพน้ำ
2Good agricultural practices and proper (Good Agriculture Practices short that GAP)
.Mean approach to farming. In order to yield good quality meet the standards specified. High yield investment value and the process must be safe for farmers and consumers. Using the resources that the maximum benefit.This principle has been determined by the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
.The rules of GAP
Thailand applied as follows: good agricultural practices สำหรับพืช (Good Agriculture Practices:GAP) of the Department of agriculture, and the Department of rice In the process that produces safe. Quality is free from pests and consumer satisfaction of requirements on water resources, planting area.Storage and transportation products within the converted data recording, production safe from pests. Production process management to produce quality. And the harvest and of Postharvest
good agricultural practice for livestock (Good Agriculture Practices:GAP) of the Department of livestock. A criteria for good agricultural practice for GAP for animals (animals) used to raise animals in the country. And so the herdsman. Consumer food from animals.
good agricultural practice for aquatic animals (Good Agriculture Practices:GAP) of the Department of fisheries, which are good aquaculture practice standard for farm animals, water (GAP for aquatic animals). As part of the standard and criteria for the production process. Production and fishery products
.The Department of agriculture, the Ministry of agriculture. Agency is responsible for accreditation: quality management systemGood agricultural practice for plants (GAP) by the regulations, rules and methods for assessment. According to the principle that in accordance with the principle GAP internationally. Used as a standard production plant at the farm level of the country.GAP for important plant in the 24 species contain
.Durian longan, pineapple, grapefruit, mango and orange vegetables, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, onion, chilli. Beans, peas, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, corn, onions and shallots, flowering.Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep, plants and other Robusta coffee, cassava, and rubber
certified GAP Department of agriculture was divided into 3 levels as follows:
1. The production process that produces safe
, 2. The process that produces safe and secure from pests
3.The manufacturing process that produces safe. Free from pests and the quality is consumer satisfaction
.Criteria for assessment and certification requirements, criteria of farm GAP assessment and used in farm GAP both 3 certification level. Contain data.
the following sequence requirements criterion
1 assessment.Water - water used must be from the source which produces no environment contamination hazardous substances and microorganisms - inspect environment if in the risk monitoring and analysis of water quality 2
.The area planted to areas without hazardous substances and microorganisms to cause the residue or contamination in the production - Inspection and environment. If in the risk monitoring and analysis of soil quality
3.The use of hazardous substances in agriculture
- if it is used in chemical production process used according to the instructions or reference guide of the Department of agriculture. Or by registered with the Department of agriculture, fisheries, label
.- to use chemicals in accordance with the list of
. No dangerous objects specified in the registration of hazardous materials in agriculture banned
. Check the storage place of hazardous materials in agriculture
.- chemical trade partner countries allow the recording data using hazardous materials in agriculture. Sampling and analysis of toxins in case there is no doubt 4 produce
.? Storage and transportation products within the transform
.- storage place must be clean. Well ventilated and can prevent contamination of foreign objects. Dangerous objects and animals carrier
.Equipment and carrier transport should be clean without contamination hazards affecting consumption ความปลอดภัยใน
. To move products carefully
- inspect place, equipment, containers and transport process method produces
5.Check the records of farmers based on data 6,
. The production is safe from pests - harvested produce. There must be no pests trapped if found to cut separate
.Data recording
- must record the information about the use of hazardous substances in agriculture
. Must be record survey and prevention of pest limit
. Must have a record deal to get the produce quality
.Check record survey data, the enemy and defense of
- inspect the isolation
7.? Production process management to produce quality
- practice and management according to the plan, production control
. Product quality is worse separation
.Check record information practices, and management to produce quality
- inspect the segregation
8 harvest and practice after harvest.
- harvest results in the appropriate criteria for production control plan
.Equipment used in the harvest. Container and how to harvest must be clean, do not cause harm to the quality of the product. And the contamination hazards affecting safety consumption
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